Office: Ruin Creek Road - Henderson, NC
Dr. Tunis provides comprehensive Medical Ophthalmology services at the Henderson office including complete eye examination, diabetic eye care, glaucoma, urgent eye care, and pre and postoperative cataract care.
With a career spanning over 40 years in Ophthalmology and having performed tens of thousands of cataract, LASIK, corneal transplant, and laser procedures, Dr. Tunis brings a wealth of experience and diagnostic skills to our Henderson office.
B.A. Economics: Amherst College
Doctor of Medicine: University of Virginia School of Medicine
Intern Medicine / Surgery: Eastern Virginia Graduate School of Medicine
Residency in Ophthalmology: Medical University of South Carolina
Board Certified -Lifetime: American Board of Ophthalmology
Fellow: American Academy of Ophthalmology
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Member: American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery
Individual Assignee of United States Patents US5556400A and US5549614A
Methods and Apparatus for Inserting Flexible Intraocular Lenses.