5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

5 Signs Your Child Has a Lazy Eye

A lazy eye, medically known as amblyopia, is an abnormal vision development. It is one of the most common causes of vision issues in kids, affecting two to three percent of all children. Fortunately, early treatment can correct this problem. If left untreated, it can permanently impair depth perception and vision.

Types of Lazy Eye

  • Refractive amblyopia results from a focusing difference between the two eyes, causing the brain to work with the stronger eye. Conditions such as myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism can cause this focusing difference. 
  • Strabismic amblyopia occurs when there is an eye misalignment, with one eye crossing inward or outward.
  • Deprivation amblyopia develops in kids with cataracts that impair their vision in one or both eyes.

How to Recognize Lazy Eye in Children

All parents should know the signs to look for to identify amblyopia in their kids. It occurs when one eye lacks normal visual acuity, causing blurred vision, reading difficulties, and poor depth perception. Lazy eye usually develops in one eye, making it challenging to identify. So, you should recognize the signs that may indicate amblyopia in kids. These include:

·      Frequently Squinting, Rubbing, or Closing One Eye

Kids with this eye condition frequently rub or cover one eye with their hands. Others squint their eyes or close one eye when outdoors on a sunny day. If you notice any of these behaviors in your little one, it may be a sign that one of their eyes is weaker than the other. Your child is trying to see more clearly. 

·      Reading Difficulties

If your child refuses to read or reads below grade level, it may be a sign of amblyopia. Lazy eye can make reading quite challenging. Your child will have to focus more on reading to keep words clear. That extra effort can cause reduced concentration and fatigue, turning reading into a stressful activity.

·      Turning the Head to One Side

Does your little one watch television with the head turned to one side? Lazy eye affects one eye, so your child may turn their head to use the dominant eye and see better. Kids with amblyopia also turn their heads while playing sports or watching others play.

·      Being Prone to Accidents 

Does it seem like your child is frequently bumping into things, falling, or tripping? If so, that may be a sign of a lazy eye, which can affect depth perception, making it quite challenging to play most sports. Both eyes must work together to judge the location of objects in relation to your position.

·      Attention Difficulties 

Amblyopia can cause your child’s attention to wander when they should be focusing on a task like drawing or reading. You might assume that your child has attention problems when, in fact, a lazy eye may be the cause. 


The visual system develops rapidly in kids during their first seven to ten years. That is when vital connections between the optic nerves and the brain develop. Lazy eye begins in infancy or early childhood and often runs in families. It occurs when the brain favors one eye over the other and creates pathways to that eye. 

For more on lazy eye, visit Raleigh Eye Center at our Raleigh, Durham, Reidsville, North Carolina, or South Hill, Virginia, offices. Call (919) 899-2472 to schedule an appointment today.

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Raleigh, NC 27609 https://g.page/raleigh-eye-center?share 9198762427 8005960384 9198509234 Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m – 1 p.m. Monday-Thursday: 8:30 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m – 1 p.m. 2406 Blue Ridge Road, Suite 280
Raleigh, NC 27607 https://g.page/raleigh-eye-center-blue-ridge?share 9198762427 Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. 6104 Fayetteville Road, Suite 108
Durham, NC 27713 https://g.page/raleigh-eye-center-durham?share 9198762427 8005960384 4345849895 Monday-Friday: By Appointment Only 501 Lombardy St.
South Hill, VA 23970 https://goo.gl/maps/EErKZBPmKAzYi2zE8 9198762427 8005960384 9195729200 Monday-Thursday: 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. 730 S. Scales Street
Reidsville, NC 27320 https://goo.gl/maps/tqeCtadaRvNzLCD9A 9198762427 8005960384 9192298039 Monday-Friday: By Appointment Only 451 Ruin Creek Rd Suite 204
Henderson, NC 27536 2524928021 2524923420 Monday-Thursday: 8:15 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Saturday-Sunday: Closed