The cornea is the outermost layer of the eye that is primarily responsible for focusing light. The cornea consists of 5 layers. The deeper layers exist mainly to strengthen the eye, and the outer layers act as a kind of “shield” to the elements. The outer layer of the cornea is often able to repair itself within a few days of suffering a minor injury; however, deeper corneal abrasions will require attention from your optometrist.
The iris is the colored part of the eye, but it is far from purely cosmetic. The iris actually functions to adjust the size of the pupil. It has muscles that contract or expand, depending on the amount of light the pupil needs to process images.
The lens sits behind the pupil, and enables the eyes to focus on small details, like the words in a book. The lens is in a constant state of adjustment, as it becomes thinner or thicker to accommodate the input it receives. As people age, their lenses lose a lot of their elasticity, which often results in conditions such as cataracts wherein the lenses cannot adjust to their surroundings as well as they used to.
The retina is the area at the back of the eye that receives the refined, visual message from the front of the eye via the optic nerve. Once your retina receives a visual message, it transmits it to the brain using electrical signals.
The sclera is the scientific name for the “whites” of the eye. Its main function is to provide strength, structure, and protection for the eye. The sclera contains blood vessels, which is why the whites of your eyes can sometimes look pink or red if infected or irritated. The conditions of your sclera, therefore, can tell an eye doctor a lot about the state of your overall health.
Need a Raleigh NC eye doctor or Lasik eye surgeon? Stop by Raleigh Eye Center for professional eye care and treatment. To schedule a vision exam, click here.